The Ultimate Peanut Butter Power Shake 

What do you fuel your workouts with? 

Here at Rocky Mountain Baking many of my workouts are fueled with my favorite peanut power shake. Peanut butter, cream cheese. almond milk, vanilla mölk, and a few more ingredients are the makings of a tasty low carb peanut butter pie in a glass. 

While this is not a shake you should have if you are concentrating on weight loss, it is perfect for helping achieve protein goals, keeping your carbs low, and getting enough fat to keep your energy levels up.

Check out our new video on how to make this delicious new power shake! 

I would also like to take a moment to thank Jocko Fuel for giving me the boost I needed to create this video. Little did they know when they requested a video of how to make this shake, that was the motivation I needed to go ahead and tackle creating a video. Being an introvert makes creating a video a very hard thing, but when I got the request it made me push past my comfort zones and tackle it!

Also a shout out to Ryan McGehee for helping shoot some of the video footage, for all the help you have given me in learning to photograph my creations, as well as all the motivation you have given me!